Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Still not sold on this twitter rage..... though for some reason the 44 and even JOB beg for it. Check this out!

"Why disappear in Southern France for a week? My life is so fantastic that it's a constant struggle to outdo myself."

"I just ate a cheeseburger with egg for breakfast and washed it down with an icey RedBull. I'm proud to be an American."

"9/10 of the men in clubs rape women, mentally. The other 1/10 rape the men, mentally."

"Southern hemi swell looking beautiful. I get paid to chase it. You don't."

mmmm, should modern collective start a twitter page? is this blog not enough? do you want every saucy detail... "just cracked a Monster now photoshopping muscles on Yadin" yuk.


Anonymous said...

The blogs enough, twitter is one wants to hear about when people do every day shit. keep it up the blog's sick....stoked for the movie

Anonymous said...

shame on Dion